Employer Duty Of Care: What You Need To Know

Employer Duty of Care tips

Employers have a duty of care to their employees. This means that they are responsible for the safety and well-being of their workers while they are on the job. To meet this responsibility, employers should take steps to create a safe work environment and respond quickly and effectively to any accidents or injuries that occur. In this blog post, we will discuss what an employer’s duty of care entails and further provide some tips for meeting this obligation.

What Is Employer Duty Of Care?

What Is Employer Duty Of Care

Employer duty of care is the legal responsibility of employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. This includes protecting workers from hazards, providing adequate training and supervision, and taking steps to prevent accidents and injuries. In the context of employment, employer duty of care is the obligation of employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. This includes protecting workers from hazards, providing adequate training and supervision, and taking steps to prevent accidents and injuries. Employers who fail to meet this duty can be held liable for any resulting harm.

Employers have duties under health and safety laws to assess risks in the workplace. This means identifying work activities that could cause injury or illness and taking action to eliminate the hazard, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk.

Benefits Of Employer Duty Of Care

Employer duty of care provides many benefits to both employers and employees.

  • By creating a safe work environment, employers can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, which can save money on workers’ compensation costs.
  • In addition, a safe work environment can improve morale and productivity among employees.
  • Furthermore, a safe workplace can boost morale and productivity among employees.
  • Meeting your duty of care obligations can help protect you from liability if an accident or injury does occur.
  • By taking steps to create a safe and healthy work environment, employers can prevent accidents and injuries, which can save money on workers’ compensation costs.
  • Finally, by meeting their duty of care obligations, employers can help to ensure that their employees can return home safely to their families at the end of each day.

These benefits not only protect the workers but also help in preventing mishaps. Even in the case of unfortunate incidents, these measures help in taking timely and effective steps to limit the after-effects of mishaps and accidental issues.

Failures In Employer Duty Of Care

Failures Employer Duty Of Care

There are several ways in which an employer can breach their duty of care. Some common examples include:

  • Failing to provide a safe work environment: This might mean failing to address hazards or provide proper safety equipment.
  • Not properly training or supervising employees: Employees should be properly trained on how to safely perform their job duties. Supervisors should also be aware of potential dangers and take steps to prevent accidents.
  • Failing to take steps to prevent accidents and injuries: Employers should take proactive measures to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring in the first place. This can include things like conducting regular safety audits, implementing safety protocols, and providing employee education on safety topics.

Employer duty of care is an important responsibility that all employers must meet. By taking steps to create a safe work environment and properly train and supervise employees, employers can help prevent accidents and injuries from occurring. If an accident does occur, employers should also respond quickly and effectively to ensure the safety of their employees.

Tips For Meeting Employer Duty Of Care

Tips For Meeting Employer Duty Of Care

There are several things that employers can do to meet their duty of care obligations. While the law already specifies the rules and regulations for regulation of duty care norms, we will talk about some tips a corporate can implement to assure maximum safety and awareness.

Conducting regular safety audits

Safety audits can help identify potential hazards in the workplace. By taking steps to address these hazards, employers can help prevent accidents and any further injuries from occurring. These can include mapping out emergency exits, installing safety gadgets, making employees aware of safety rules, having important numbers (police, ambulance, fire brigade) on speed dials, having relevant equipment to tackle any difficult situations.

Implementing safety protocols

Safety protocols are put in place to help employees stay safe while on the job. These might include things like wearing personal protective equipment, using proper lifting techniques, and following proper safety procedures.

Identify hazards in the workplace and take steps to eliminate or minimize them

By identifying potential hazards in the workplace, employers can take steps to eliminate or minimize them. This can help to create a safer work environment for employees.

Encourage employees to report unsafe conditions

If an employee notices an unsafe condition, they should feel comfortable reporting it to their employer. By taking action to address these conditions, employers can help prevent accidents and injuries from occurring.

Investigate accidents and injuries promptly

When an accident or injury does occur, employers need to investigate the incident promptly. This can help to identify any potential safety issues that need to be addressed.

Take corrective action to prevent future accidents and injuries

After an accident or injury has occurred, employers should take corrective action to prevent future incidents. This is a good precautionary measure to tap and work on the accident-prone areas and incidents.

Promoting employee education on safety topics

Employees should be educated on how to stay safe while on the job. This education can include topics like hazard recognition, accident prevention, and emergency procedures in the form of discussions, role plays, mocks, and workshops.

Conducting a risk assessment

This will help you identify potential hazards in your workplace. Once you know what dangers exist, you can take steps to mitigate them.

Providing proper safety equipment

Employees should have access to all the safety gear they need to perform their job duties safely. This might include things such as hard hats, safety glasses, and protective clothing.

Properly training employees

Employees should be properly trained on how to safely perform their job duties. This might include both classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

Supervising employees

Supervisors should be aware of potential hazards and take steps to prevent accidents. They should also be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any incidents that occur.

By following these tips, employers can help ensure a safe work environment for their employees. Meeting employer duty of care is not only important for the safety of employees, but it can also help protect employers from liability in the event of an accident or injury.


Employer duty of care is the legal responsibility of employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. This includes protecting workers from hazards, providing adequate training and supervision, and also taking steps to prevent accidents and injuries. Employers who fail to meet this duty can have liability for any resulting harm. By taking important and intelligent steps, employers can further help prevent accidents and injuries from occurring in the workplace. MantraCare Wellness also provides training and consultations for promoting various workplace programs and consultations to assure maximum employee awareness and care.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.