How Wellness Programs Increase Productivity: The Surprising Benefits Of A Healthy Workforce

how wellness programs increase productivity

When it comes to the workplace, most people think about money and productivity. It’s no secret that businesses want to make as much money as possible and employees want to be as productive as possible. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about wellness programs and their ability to improve both of these things. But what are the actual benefits of having a healthy workforce? In this blog post, we will explore the surprising ways that wellness programs can increase productivity in the workplace!

What Are Wellness Programs?

Wellness programs are employer-sponsored initiatives designed to promote employee health and well-being. These programs can take many different forms, but typically include elements like fitness classes, health screenings, and wellness education.

While the specifics of each program will vary, the overall goal is always the same: to help employees live healthier lives. And, as it turns out, there are plenty of good reasons for employers to want their employees to be healthy.

The employer can offer a wellness program to the employees. The employer may offer a variety of wellness programs to the employees such as fitness classes, health screenings, and wellness education. The goal of the employer is to have healthy employees.

Why Employee Wellness Suffers In Today’s World?

The demands of work and life can leave even the healthiest person feeling run down. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people worldwide suffers from a mental health disorder. In the United States, an estimated 18 percent of adults live with anxiety and depression.

These statistics are staggering, and they underscore the need for employers to do more to support employee wellness. There are several reasons why employee wellness suffers in today’s world.

Work Demands Have Increased

First, work demands have increased significantly in recent years. With the rise of technology, employees are expected to be available 24/seven. This around-the-clock work culture can lead to burnout and fatigue. This is particularly true for employees who don’t have a good work-life balance.

In addition, many employers expect employees to do more with less. This can lead to increased stress levels and anxiety.

The Physical Workplace Is Often Unhealthy

Second, the physical workplace is often unhealthy. Many office buildings are designed for function rather than health. They usually have poor lighting, ventilation, and ergonomics. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including headaches, eye strain, and back pain.

In addition, many workplaces are full of unhealthy food options. Vending machines are stocked with sugary drinks and processed snacks. This makes it difficult for employees to make healthy choices.

Lack of Support From Employers

Finally, there is a lack of support from employers when it comes to employee wellness. Many employers view wellness programs as an extra cost, rather than an investment. This is even though wellness programs can save businesses money in the long run.

For example, wellness programs can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism. They can also lower healthcare costs and increase productivity.

Employers need to do more to support employee wellness. This includes creating a culture of wellness, providing resources and support, and investing in programs that will promote health and well-being. Only then will employees be able to thrive in the workplace.

How Do Workplace Wellness Programs Boost Productivity?

Workplace wellness programs are nothing new. They’ve been around for quite some time. But as more and more companies adopt them, it’s worth looking at how they boost productivity.

Reduce Absenteeism

One of the most obvious ways workplace wellness programs increases productivity is by reducing absenteeism. When employees are healthy, they’re more likely to show up to work. And when they do show up, they’re less likely to call in sick. This is a huge benefit for companies, as absenteeism can cost them millions of dollars each year.

Improve morale

Another way workplace wellness programs improve productivity is by improving morale. When employees are healthy and happy, they’re more likely to be engaged in their work. And when they’re engaged in their work, they’re more likely to be productive. So it’s a snowball effect. In short, happy and healthy employees are more productive employees.

Reduce stress

Last but not least, workplace wellness programs can reduce stress. When employees are stressed, they’re less likely to be productive. So by reducing stress, workplace wellness programs can indirectly boost productivity.

There are many other ways workplace wellness programs increase productivity. But these are just a few of the most important ones. So if you’re looking for ways to boost productivity in your workplace, consider implementing a workplace wellness program. It just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

When A Workplace Wellness Program Is Not Possible?

There are a number of reasons why wellness programs may not be possible in certain workplaces. The wellness program’s success depends on the various things:

Size Of The Company

A wellness program may not be possible in a small company with only a few employees. Small companies may not have the resources or money to invest in a wellness program. These companies may also not have the space to accommodate a wellness program.

However, there are a number of ways that small companies can promote wellness in the workplace. These companies can encourage employees to take breaks during the day, offer healthy snacks, and provide standing desks.

Lack Of Support From Management

Another reason why wellness programs may not be possible is the lack of support from management. Wellness programs require time and resources from management in order to be successful. If management is not supportive of the program, it is unlikely that the program will be successful.

However, there are a number of ways to get management on board with a workplace wellness program. One way is to show them the research on how wellness programs improve productivity. Another way is to create a pilot program and show them the results. Finally, it is important to involve management in the planning and implementation of the program.

Cost Of The Program

Another reason why wellness programs may not be possible is the cost. Wellness programs can be expensive to implement and maintain. However, there are a number of ways to reduce the cost of a workplace wellness program. One way is to offer incentives for employees to participate in the program. Another way is to use technology to create a virtual program that employees can access from anywhere.

The cost of a workplace wellness program should not be a barrier to implementing one. There are a number of ways to reduce the cost of a workplace wellness program. It is important to remember that the benefits of a workplace wellness program far outweigh the cost.

Workplace Culture

Some workplaces have a culture that is not conducive to wellness programs. For example, if the workplace is very competitive or stressful, it may not be the best environment for a wellness program. In these cases, it is important to assess the workplace culture and make changes that will be more conducive to a successful wellness program.

It is also important to note that not all employees will be interested in participating in a workplace wellness program. This is normal and should not be seen as a failure of the program. It is important to offer a variety of activities and allow employees to choose what they are interested in. By doing this, you can create a successful workplace wellness program that benefits both the company and its employees. sage: how do wellness programs increase productivity.

Location Of The Workplace

If the workplace is located in an area with limited access to healthy food options and recreation, it may be difficult to implement a wellness program. In these cases, it is important to look for ways to increase access to healthy food options and recreation. One way to do this is to offer subsidies for employees who eat healthy meals. Another way is to create a walking or biking trail near the workplace.

There are a number of reasons why workplace wellness programs may not be possible in certain workplaces. However, there are also a number of ways to overcome these obstacles. With the right planning and implementation, any workplace can benefit from a workplace wellness program. sage: how do wellness programs increase productivity.


In conclusion, wellness programs are a great way to increase productivity in the workplace. By promoting healthy lifestyle choices, providing employees with resources to improve their health, and encouraging positive social interactions, wellness programs can improve not only employees’ physical health, but also their mental well-being. In turn, this leads to a more productive workforce.

Mantra Care is a platform that helps you create and manage wellness programs for your employees. With our easy-to-use tools, you can customize programs to fit the needs of your organization and your employees. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a healthier, more productive workforce.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.