Corporate Fitness Challenges | Benefits of Corporate Fitness

Corporate Fitness Challenges Benefits of Corporate Fitness

Are you looking for a way to get your team in shape? A corporate fitness challenge may be the answer! This is a great way to improve employee morale and promote teamwork. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for organizing a corporate fitness challenge. We will also provide a few sample corporate fitness challenges that you can use to get started.

What Are Corporate Fitness Challenges?

What Are Corporate Fitness Challenges?Corporate fitness challenges are something that more and more workplaces are implementing to help employees get in shape and improve their overall health. These challenges can be a great way to encourage team building and healthy competition among coworkers.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when planning a corporate fitness challenge for your team. First, you’ll want to make sure that the challenge is something that will fit into your workplace’s culture and that everyone on the team is able to participate. You’ll also want to set some clear goals for the challenge and create a system for tracking progress.

Tips Before Starting Corporate Fitness Challenge

Tips Before Starting Corporate Fitness Challenge

There are a few things you should keep in mind when planning a corporate fitness challenge for your team:

Pick Challenging Yet Achievable Goal

This could be anything from completing a certain number of steps each day to working out a certain number of times per week. The important thing is to make sure that the goal is challenging yet achievable for everyone on the team.

Create System For Tracking Progress

This could be as simple as setting up a spreadsheet where everyone logs their daily activity or using a fitness tracking app like Fitbit or MyFitnessPal. Having a system in place will help everyone stay accountable and on track. There are also a few web-based platforms that can help with this, like Fitocracy or GymPact.

Make It Fun

The whole point of a corporate fitness challenge is to get everyone moving and improve workplace morale, so make sure to keep things fun and lighthearted. You could have weekly prizes for the top performers or even just a big celebration at the end for everyone who completes the challenge.

Set A Start And End Date

Giving the challenge a set start and end date will help create a sense of urgency and encourage people to stick with it until the end. It can also be helpful to break the challenge up into smaller goals so that people don’t get overwhelmed. It may also make it a more manageable goal if people can see the end date in sight.

Find an Activity Everyone Can Do

If you have a team of 20 people, it’s unlikely that everyone will be at the same fitness level. It’s important to find an activity that everyone can do regardless of their fitness level. This could be something as simple as taking a brisk walk during lunch or going for a short jog after work.

Get Creative With The Reward System

There should also be some sort of reward system in place to motivate people to reach their goals. This could be anything from a gift card to a free lunch or even just bragging rights. The important thing is to make sure that the rewards are something that everyone on the team will be excited about.

Get Everyone On Board

The last and most important step is to make sure that everyone on the team is on board with the challenge. This means sending out clear communications about what the challenge is, what the rules are, and what the prizes are. You may even want to have a kick-off meeting to get everyone pumped up and ready to go.

Different Ideas For Corporate Fitness Challenge

Different Ideas For Corporate Fitness Challenge

There are many different ideas for corporate fitness challenges. Here are some popular ones:

The Biggest Loser Challenge

Employees compete to see who can lose the most weight over a certain period of time, usually six to eight weeks. The person who loses the most weight wins a prize. There are usually weekly weigh-ins and prizes for the people who lose the most weight each week.

The Step Challenge

A step challenge also known as the stair challenge is a great way to get your team in shape. It’s simple- each person tries to see how many steps they can take in a day, week, or month. The person with the most steps at the end of the challenge wins!

This corporate fitness challenge is perfect for any size team. And, it’s easy to set up and get started. All you need is a place to track everyone’s steps, there are many free apps available, and a prize for the winner.

The Fitness Challenge

Employees compete to see who can work out the most times in a certain period of time, usually six to eight weeks. The person who works out the most times at the end of the challenge wins a prize. There are usually weekly check-ins and prizes for the people who work out the most times each week.

The Activity Challenge

Activity challenges are a great way to get your team in shape. These activity challenges are typically done in teams of two to four people, and they can be done either in person or online.

Boot Camps

Boot camps are a great way to get everyone on the team moving. They are usually led by a certified fitness instructor and last for six to eight weeks. There are usually weekly check-ins and prizes for the people who attend the most boot camps each week. There are also usually discounts for the people who sign up for the boot camp at the beginning of the challenge.

Stair-Climbing Challenges

There are also many different stair-climbing challenges that teams can do. Employees compete to see who can climb the most stairs in a certain period of time, usually six to eight weeks. The person who climbs the most stairs at the end of the challenge wins a prize. There are usually weekly check-ins and prizes for the people who climb the most stairs each week.

Planks Challenges

There are also many different plank challenges that teams can do. Employees compete to see who can hold a plank for the longest amount of time in a certain period of time, usually six to eight weeks. The person who holds a plank for the longest amount of time at the end of the challenge wins a prize. There are usually weekly check-ins and prizes for the people who hold a plank for the longest amount of time each week.

Sit-Up Challenges

Sit-up challenges are a great way to get your team in shape. They can be done in teams of two or more, and they’re a great way to motivate each other. This also gives you a chance to see how your team works together and who’s the fittest.

To do a sit-up challenge, each team member must complete as many sit-ups as possible in one minute. The team with the most sit-ups at the end of the challenge wins.

Group Fitness Classes

There are also a number of group fitness classes that your team can take part in. These classes are a great way to get everyone moving and sweating, and they can be a lot of fun too.

Some popular group fitness classes include:

  • Zumba
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Boot Camp

These are just a few examples, but there are many different types of group fitness classes out there. Talk to your employees and see what kinds of classes they would be interested in taking part in. Then, find a local studio or gym that offers these types of classes.

Weight Loss Challenges

Weight loss challenges are a great way to get your team in shape. They can be a lot of fun and help you lose weight at the same time. It also helps to have a healthy competition between team members. These challenges are also a great way to motivate team members to stay on track with their fitness goals. These challenges can be done in teams or individually.

Workplace Olympics

There are also variations of the Corporate Fitness Challenge that are more team-based and less individual. For example, some companies have a “Workplace Olympics” type event where teams of employees compete in different fitness challenges against each other. This is a great way to get your team in shape while also fostering some healthy competition. These may be something as simple as a relay race or an obstacle course.

Benefits of Corporate Fitness Challenge

Benefits of Corporate Fitness Challenge

There are many benefits of implementing a corporate fitness challenge at your workplace. Some of these are:

Improves Overall Productivity

Corporate fitness challenge always helps to increase productivity. This is because when your employees are physically active, their minds will be more alert and they can think better. Also, studies have shown that people who exercise regularly tend to take fewer sick days.

Reduces Stress Levels

When your team members are under a lot of stress, it can lead to burnout and poor performance at work. A corporate fitness challenge can help reduce stress levels by giving employees an outlet to release all that built-up tension. Exercise releases endorphins which have mood-boosting effects. So not only will your team be physically healthier, but they’ll also be in a better state of mind.

Boosts Energy Levels

It’s no secret that working out gives you more energy. When your team members have more energy, they’ll be able to put in long hours and be more productive. A corporate fitness challenge can help them get into the habit of working out regularly so that they can sustain those high energy levels throughout the workweek.

Makes For Happier Workplace

When your team is happy, it shows in their work. A corporate fitness challenge can help create a positive and fun environment at work. It’s a great way for employees to bond with each other and build team morale. And when morale is high, it leads to better work quality and more cooperation among team members.


The corporate fitness challenge offers a lot of benefits that can help improve your workplace. If you’re looking for ways to increase productivity, reduce stress levels, and boost energy levels, then a corporate fitness challenge is definitely something to consider. Not to mention, it’ll also make for a happier workplace overall.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your workplace, a corporate fitness challenge is definitely something to consider. There are many benefits of implementing a corporate fitness challenge at your workplace, including increased productivity, reduced stress levels, boosted energy levels, and improved morale. So what are you waiting for? Get started on planning your corporate fitness challenge today.

Mantra Care is a platform that helps you to find the perfect water challenge for your needs. With Mantra Care, you can customize your challenge, set reminders, and track your progress. Sign up today and start improving your health.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.