Employee engagement in Nigeria

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What are the employee engagement trends in Nigeria?

Employee engagement is a term used to describe the level of satisfaction and motivation of employees. Employers can use employee engagement to improve their bottom line by retaining more talented workers, attracting new talent, and creating a better work-life balance for employees.

engagement trends

What are the benefits of employee engagement initiatives?

There are many benefits of employee engagement initiatives, including improved productivity, increased customer satisfaction, and reduced conflict. Here are four key reasons why engagement is important:

Improved Productivity: Engagement can help improve employee productivity by providing them with a sense of purpose and belonging. When employees feel engaged in their work, they are more likely to be focused and efficient.

Increased Customer Satisfaction: Employee engagement can also lead to increased customer satisfaction. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to take the time to understand customers’ needs and feel connected to the company’s mission. This ensures that the customer experience is positive and meets their expectations.

Reduced Conflict: Engagement can also reduce conflict between employees. When employees feel engaged in their work, they are more likely to have a positive attitude and be willing to work together toward a common goal. This reduces the chances of interpersonal conflicts arising, which can lead to decreased productivity and morale.

What are the most common employee engagement programs offered in Nigeria?

Nigeria is one of the countries in the world where the engagement of employees is very important. According to a study, engaging employees is one of the top priorities for organizations. In order to engage employees, there are various programs that are currently being used in Nigeria. Some of the programs that are currently being used in Nigeria include employee recognition programs, employee development programs, and social networking programs. Employee recognition programs involve awarding employees different types of awards such as cash bonuses and certificates.

Employee development programs promote lifelong learning and help employees grow and develop their skills. Social networking programs allow employees to connect with each other and share ideas. These programs have been found to be very effective in engaging employees.

What is the cost of an employee engagement program in Nigeria?

It takes an average of $2,000 per employee per year to make an employee feel engaged. This cost can increase if the program features social media integration or if it is conducted in multiple languages. While these programs may be expensive to implement and maintain, they can be worth it if they lead to improved employee productivity and satisfaction. Overall, engagement programs are a cost-effective way to improve employee morale and productivity.

MantraCare is a cost-effective employee engagement service provider that offers plans starting at $3 per employee.

Who are the top employee emgagement solution providers in Nigeria?

Hootsuite is a social media management platform that enables users to manage their social media accounts from one location. The company’s Employee Engagement Solutions platform offers various tools to help organizations track social media activity and sentiment throughout the workforce, identify key influencers within an organization, and better understand how employees are using social media platforms.

SumoMe provides tools for building communities, managing content, and tracking performance. They also offer a suite of engagement solutions, including surveys, chatbots, and chat features.

MantraCare is the top employee engagement solution provider in Nigeria. Being dedicated to employee engagement, MantraCare helps implement several engagement initiatives including wellness challenges, leaderboards, webinars, daily tasks etc. Not only that but they also offer Stepathlon, Corporate Yoga and more!

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MantraCare offers Employee Engagement solution in all major cities in Nigeria

  • Lagos
  • Kano
  • Ibadan
  • Port Harcourt
  • Benin City
  • Kaduna
  • Abuja
  • Maiduguri
  • Zaria
  • Aba
  • Jos
  • Ilorin

If you are a company in Nigeria, looking to implement an employee engagement program, Talk to employee engagement experts at Mantracare: Schedule a Call >