SMART Fitness Goals | Examples of SMART Fitness Goals

SMART Fitness Goals | Examples of SMART Fitness Goals

Are you trying to get fit this year? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Every January, millions of people make resolutions to get in shape and improve their health. Unfortunately, many of them eventually give up on their goals. Why? Because they don’t have realistic plans or they don’t know how to set achievable fitness goals. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some smart fitness goals that will help you achieve your health and fitness targets in a sustainable way.

What Does SMART Fitness Goals Mean?

What Does SMART Fitness Goals Mean?Smart fitness goals is a term that means having fitness goals that are achievable and measurable. When you set a goal, it is important to have something to strive for that is not only challenging but also possible to accomplish. This could be anything from running a certain number of miles per week to bench pressing a specific amount of weight.

No matter what your fitness goals may be, make sure they are SMART!

Specific: When setting a goal, be as specific as possible. This will help you better visualize and achieve your goals. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, try “I want to lose 20 pounds in the next six months”.

Measurable: Make sure your goal includes how you will measure progress. Going back to our previous example, a good measurable goal would be “I want to lose two pounds per week for the next six months”.

Attainable: Set goals that you can realistically achieve given your current circumstances. If you are just starting out on your fitness journey, it may not be realistic to set a goal of losing 20 pounds in six months. A more attainable goal would be to lose five pounds in six months.

Realistic: In addition to being attainable, your goal should also be realistic. This means taking into account things like time constraints, available resources, and your own physical abilities. For example, if you are a busy parent with limited time for working out, setting a goal of working out for two hours every day is probably not realistic. A more realistic goal would be to work out for 30 minutes three times per week.

Time-based: Setting a timeline for your goal will help you stay on track and motivated. Going back to our previous example, a time-based goal would be “I want to lose 20 pounds in the next six months”.

8 Examples of SMART Fitness Goals

8 Examples of SMART Fitness Goals

There are many examples of SMART fitness goals that can help you lead a healthier life. Some of these examples include:

Walking More

Walking more is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get active and improve your health. A goal of walking 30 minutes a day, five days a week is realistic, sustainable, and provides significant health benefits. There are also many ways to make walking more enjoyable, such as listening to music or podcasts, exploring new neighborhoods, and walking with friends or family.

Eating Healthier

Making small changes to your diet can have a big impact on your health. A goal of eating three fruits and vegetables every day, choosing whole grains instead of refined grains, and limiting processed foods and sugary drinks is a good place to start. You may also want to consider working with a registered dietitian who can help you develop a healthy eating plan that meets your individual needs. There may be some difficult days following your plan, but do not give up.

Staying Hydrated

Water is essential for good health, yet many people don’t drink enough. A goal of drinking eight glasses of water a day is a good way to make sure you’re staying hydrated. If you find it hard to drink that much water, try carrying a reusable water bottle with you, adding slices of fruit or vegetables to your water, or drinking sparkling water. It can also make it easier to reach your daily water goal if you track how much you’re drinking.

Exercising Regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. A goal of exercising three times a week for 30 minutes is a good place to start. If you’re new to exercise or haven’t been active in a while, talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. They can help you develop a plan that’s safe and effective for you. Remember, even small amounts of physical activity are beneficial, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t meet your goal every week. Just keep moving and try to make it a part of your regular routine.

Reducing Sugar Intake

Cutting back on sugar can be difficult, but it’s worth it for the sake of your health. A goal of reducing sugar intake by 20 percent is a good place to start. This means if you typically have two tablespoons of sugar in your coffee, you would reduce it to one tablespoon. You can also try swapping out sugary drinks for water or unsweetened beverages. When it comes to food, look for ways to reduce the sugar content without sacrificing taste. For example, you can use ripe bananas to sweeten oatmeal or yogurt instead of adding sugar.

Burning Calories

Burning calories is another way to improve your health. The goal of burning 500 calories a day is a good place to start. This can be done by exercising more, cutting back on calorie-dense foods, and increasing your activity level throughout the day. You can also try adding strength training to your workout routine to help build muscle and burn more calories

Increasing Strength and Flexibility

There are also many benefits to increase strength and flexibility. A goal of doing two strength-training sessions and two yoga or stretching sessions per week is a good place to start. You may also want to consider adding a balance-training component to your routine to help improve your balance and prevent falls. There are also many benefits to increase strength and flexibility, such as reducing pain, improving joint function, and preventing injuries.

Visiting Gym More Often

Visiting the gym more often also means that you will be more likely to achieve your fitness goals. If you have been going to the gym irregularly, then make it a point to go at least three times a week. This will not only help you physically but also mentally. There are also many other benefits of working out regularly. Doing regular gym also makes you look and feel better.

How To Set SMART Fitness Goals?

How To Set SMART Fitness Goals?

Setting SMART fitness goals is key to seeing results and staying motivated throughout your fitness journey. Setting up a smart fitness goal is very important as well. Some of these steps are:

Know Your Goals

You should always know what your goals are. This will help you stay on track and achieve what you set out to do. There are also many other benefits of knowing your goals. When you know your goals, you can better measure your progress and see how far you have come. Goals can also help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Make Plan

Making a plan is also very important. This will help you better organize your time and resources so that you can achieve your goals. Having a plan will also help you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by other things. There are also many other benefits of making a plan. A plan can help you better manage your time, resources, and progress. Planning is also a great way to stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Set Schedule

Setting a schedule is also very important. This will help you better manage your time and resources so that you can achieve your goals. Having a schedule will also help you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by other things. There are also many other benefits of setting a schedule. A schedule can help you better manage your time, resources, and progress. Scheduling is also a great way to stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Get Fitness Tracker

Getting a fitness tracker is also very important. This will help you better measure your progress and see how far you have come. Fitness trackers can also help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey. There are also many other benefits of getting a fitness tracker. A fitness tracker can help you better manage your time, resources, and progress. Getting a fitness tracker is also a great way to stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Set Deadline

You should also set a deadline for your fitness goals. This will help you stay on track and achieve what you set out to do. There are also many other benefits of setting a deadline. When you set a deadline, you can better measure your progress and see how far you have come. Goals can also help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Get Started

You can get started also on your fitness goals by taking some small steps. You can start by doing some simple exercises at home. Furthermore, you can also start by going for a walk or jogging every day. These small steps will help you better prepare for your fitness journey and see some results. There are also many other benefits of getting started on your fitness journey. Getting started will help you better manage your time, resources, and progress. Getting started is also a great way to stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Benefits of Smart Fitness Goals

Benefits of Smart Fitness GoalsThere are many benefits of setting smart fitness goals. When you know what you want to achieve, you are more likely to stick with your fitness plan and see results. Smart goals also help to keep you motivated and accountable.

Some benefits of setting smart fitness goals include:

– You are more likely to stick with your fitness plan

– You will see results

– Helps keep you motivated

– Helps keep you accountable


Smart fitness goals are ones that are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. You can use these criteria to set fitness goals that will help you get healthy and stay motivated. Remember to be realistic in setting your goals, and to make sure they fit into your lifestyle. With a little planning and effort, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself!.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to set smart fitness goals. If you want to know more, contact us. Mantra Care is always here to help. Mantra Care is a website that helps you set fitness goals.

If you want to know more about Mantra Care, contact us. We are always here to help! You can also continue reading our blog for more tips on how to live a healthier life. Thanks for reading.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.