Corporate Fitness Program | Promoting Corporate Fitness Programs

Corporate Fitness Program | Promoting Corporate Fitness Programs

Employee health and productivity are two of the most important aspects of any business. When employees are healthy and productive, the company benefits in a number of ways. Not only do they save on healthcare costs, but they also see an increase in overall productivity. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of corporate fitness programs and how to keep your employees healthy and productive.

What Are Corporate Fitness Programs?

What Are Corporate Fitness Programs?Corporate fitness programs are workplace wellness initiatives that encourage employees to live healthier lifestyles. The goal of these programs is to improve employee productivity and health while reducing healthcare costs for employers.

There are also many benefits for employees who participate in these programs, including improved mental health, reduced stress levels, and increased energy levels.

How Do Corporate Fitness Programs Work?

Corporate fitness programs typically involve a combination of education, incentives, and support to encourage employees to make healthier choices. For example, some employers may offer free or discounted gym memberships, while others may provide on-site fitness facilities or classes. Employees may also be given access to online resources and tools to help them track their progress and meet their goals.

The working also involves setting up a system where the employees can be held accountable for their progress, such as through regular check-ins with a health coach or participation in group challenges.

Types of Corporate Fitness Programs

Types of Corporate Fitness Programs

There are many different types of corporate fitness programs, but some of the most popular include weight loss challenges, fitness classes, and wellness days.

Weight Loss Challenges

Weight loss challenges are a great way to motivate employees to lose weight and get in shape. These challenges can be done individually or as a team, and they typically involve setting a goal weight or body fat percentage to be achieved within a certain timeframe. There are many different ways to set up these challenges, but some common methods include offering prizes for the employees who lose the most weight or providing a percentage discount on health insurance premiums for those who reach their goals.

Fitness Classes

Fitness classes are another popular option for corporate fitness programs. These classes can be held on-site at the workplace or at a nearby gym, and they typically involve a group of employees working out together under the guidance of a certified instructor. Fitness classes can be a great way to promote teamwork and healthy competition, and they can also help employees relieve stress and improve their overall health. These fitness classes are often offered as part of a larger wellness program that also includes other activities such as nutrition counseling and stress management.

Wellness Days

Wellness days are another great way to promote employee health and wellness. These days typically involve offering employees a chance to participate in healthy activities such as yoga, massages, or healthy cooking demonstrations. Employers may also offer screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, and other health conditions on these days. Wellness days are a great opportunity for employees to learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle and take advantage of resources that can help them improve their overall health.

On-site Fitness Classes

On-site fitness classes are a great way to promote employee health and wellness. These classes can be held on-site at the workplace or at a nearby gym, and they typically involve a group of employees working out together under the guidance of a certified instructor. Fitness classes can be a great way to promote teamwork and healthy competition, and they can also help employees relieve stress and improve their overall health. These fitness classes are often offered as part of a larger wellness program that also includes other activities such as nutrition counseling and stress management.

Online Fitness Programs

Online fitness programs are a great way to promote employee health and wellness. These programs typically involve a group of employees working out together under the guidance of a certified instructor. Fitness programs can be a great way to promote teamwork and healthy competition, and they can also help employees relieve stress and improve their overall health. These fitness programs are often offered as part of a larger wellness program that also includes other activities such as nutrition counseling and stress management.

Corporate Fitness Program Examples

Corporate Fitness Program Examples

There are many different corporate program examples, such as:


Jogging is one of the most popular forms of cardio and can be done anywhere. It is a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health. There are also many different ways to incorporate jogging into a corporate fitness program, such as by offering employees a chance to participate in a weekly group run or providing them with access to a nearby running trail.


Hiking is another great way to get some cardio while also enjoying the outdoors. It is a great way to improve your leg strength and endurance, and it can also be a great team-building activity. There are many different hiking trails of varying difficulty levels all over the country, so employers should be able to find one that is suitable for their employees. These may be day hikes or even overnight camping trips for the more adventurous employees.

Sports Teams

Creating corporate sports teams is another great way to promote employee health and wellness. These teams can compete against other businesses in local leagues, and they provide a great opportunity for employees to bond with one another outside of work. Employers can also offer incentives for employees who participate in these teams, such as discounts on gym memberships or free tickets to sporting events.


Basketball is a great way to get some exercise while also having fun. It is a high-intensity sport that requires players to run, jump and shoot the ball. Playing basketball can help improve your coordination and stamina, and it is also a great way to relieve stress. Employers can set up a corporate basketball team or offer employees access to a nearby court.


Swimming is another great way to get some exercise while also enjoying the outdoors. It is a low-impact activity that is easy on the joints, and it is also a great way to cool off in the summer months. Swimming can help improve your cardiovascular health and muscle strength, and it is also a great way to relax and de-stress. Employers can offer employees access to a corporate pool or provide them with discounts at a local gym or fitness center.


Biking is one of the best ways to get some exercise while also reducing your carbon footprint. It is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and leg strength, and it can also be a great way to explore your city or town. Employers can offer employees access to corporate bikes or provide them with discounts on bike equipment and gear. It can also be helpful to set up a bike-sharing program or have corporate bike racks installed at the workplace.

These are just a few of the many different corporate fitness program examples that employers can use to promote employee health and wellness.

How To Promote Corporate Fitness Programs?

How To Promote Corporate Fitness Programs?

Promoting corporate fitness programs can be difficult because you have to get buy-in from employees, who may see it as another work obligation. And even if they do participate, there may be a lack of motivation to stick with it. Here are some tips for promoting corporate fitness programs:

Get Executive Buy-in

You should always get executive buy-in for any corporate initiative, but it’s especially important for something like a fitness program. Employees will be more likely to participate if they see that their bosses are on board.

Make It Optional

Don’t make participation in the fitness program mandatory, as this will just turn people off. Instead, make it optional and stress that it’s for employees’ health and well-being.

Offer Incentives

Incentives can be a great motivator, so offer them for participating in the fitness program. For example, you could give employees a certain number of points that they can redeem for prizes.

Highlight The Health Benefits

Many people are not aware of the health benefits of exercise, so highlight these when promoting the fitness program. For example, you could talk about how exercise can reduce stress levels and improve mental health.

By following these tips, you can promote corporate fitness programs and get more employees to participate.


Corporate fitness programs are a great way to keep your employees healthy and productive. By offering these programs, you can encourage your employees to live a healthier lifestyle and improve their overall health. In addition, by providing these programs, you can also reduce the number of sick days taken by your employees. Ultimately, corporate fitness programs are a win-win for both employers and employees.

If you want to implement a corporate fitness program at your business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure to choose a program that is right for your company culture and budget. Second, promote the program to your employees and make it easy for them to participate. Finally, measure the success of the program by tracking employee participation and health outcomes. You can also contact us for  ore information related to this topics. We have some amazing wellness programs.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.