Employee engagement in Kenya

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What are the employee engagement trends in Kenya?

Employee engagement is a growing area of focus for many organizations in Kenya. Employee engagement trends in this country have been driven by factors such as the increasing pressure to compete in an increasingly globalized economy and the need for organizations to attract and retain top talent. One major trend that has emerged is the growing importance of employee wellness programs, which are designed to improve employee health and well-being. 

engagement trends

What are the benefits of employee engagement initiatives?

There are many benefits of engaging employees in your organization’s overall success. Chief among these are employee retention and motivation. By encouraging a collaborative and engaged culture, you create an environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks and expressing their ideas. In addition, a high level of employee engagement leads to improved customer service, higher productivity, and a more engaged workforce.

Engagement can also lead to cost savings. Employees who are engaged are more likely to take pride in their work and be motivated to do their best. This translates into less wasted time and effort, as well as fewer complaints or disciplinary problems. In fact, studies have shown that companies with high levels of employee engagement often experience lower costs associated with employee turnovers, such as recruiting costs and training costs.

Another benefit of engagement is its ability to improve communication within the workplace. When employees feel connected to their work and their colleagues, they are more likely to communicate effectively. This leads to better problem-solving and faster decision-making. It also reduces the number of misunderstandings and tensions that can arise in a company setting.

Overall, there are many reasons why engaging your employees is beneficial both from an organizational standpoint and from an individual standpoint. By promoting a collaborative culture and encouraging employee investment in their work, you can achieve many of the same goals as increased productivity and decreased costs associated with employee turnover.

What are the most common employee engagement programs offered in Kenya?

Employee engagement is an essential part of any successful business. By ensuring that employees are engaged in their work, businesses can foster a productive and committed workforce. Here are the top employee engagement programs that are popular in Kenya:

1. Employee retention programs: One of the best ways to engage employees is to keep them from leaving in the first place. Kenya’s largest telecommunications company, Airtel, has a robust employee retention program that includes generous benefits and competitive salaries. In addition, Airtel routinely conducts employee surveys to measure employee satisfaction and feedback.

2. Employee development programs: Another key way to keep employees engaged is to provide them with opportunities to grow and develop their skills. Many businesses offer employee development programs that offer training in new areas or technologies, as well as opportunities for career growth.

3. Employee appreciation events: One way to show appreciation for all the hard work employees put into their jobs is through special events. Some companies give out bonuses or other awards at regular intervals, while others hold larger events once or twice a year to celebrate all the great things employees have done.

4. Employee social networks: Another great way to keep employees connected is through social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. These networks allow employees to share ideas, insights and thoughts about their job with each other, which can foster camaraderie and loyalty among team members.

What is the cost of an employee engagement program in Kenya?

The cost of an Employee engagement program will vary depending on the provider, the size of the company, and the services offered.

The average cost of employee engagement programs in Kenya is $12,000. This figure includes costs for training and development, communication and outreach, and employee engagement surveys.

MantraCare is a cost-effective employee engagement service provider that offers plans starting at $3 per employee.

Who are the top employee emgagement solution providers in Kenya?

SocialBee offers a suite of products designed to make it easier for businesses of all sizes to manage their social media accounts. The product range includes a dashboard for managing multiple social media accounts, an online editor for creating posts and tweets, a live chat tool for customer support, and an SMS notification system for staff. SocialBee also offers tools that make it easy for employees to stay connected with their work and their customers.

HubSpot is an online marketing company that offers various employee engagement solutions, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software and social media marketing tools. Its employee engagement solutions include programs to help employees learn new skills, develop personal brands, and connect with customers.

MantraCare is the top employee engagement solution provider in Kenya. Being dedicated to employee engagement, MantraCare helps implement several engagement initiatives including wellness challenges, leaderboards, webinars, daily tasks etc. Not only that but they also offer Stepathlon, Corporate Yoga and more!

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MantraCare offers Employee Engagement solution in all major cities in Kenya

  • Bungoma
  • Busia
  • Butere
  • Dadaab
  • Diani Beach
  • Eldoret
  • Emali
  • Embu
  • Garissa
  • Baragoi

If you are a company in Kenya, looking to implement an employee engagement program, Talk to employee engagement experts at Mantracare: Schedule a Call >