How to Increase Employee Participation in Your Wellness Program

How to Increase Employee Participation in Your Wellness Program

If you’re like most business owners, you are always looking for ways to cut costs and improve your bottom line. One way to do this is by implementing a wellness program for your employees. A well-run wellness program can save your company money in the long run. But it’s important to get employee participation in wellness programs rates up if you want to see results. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to increase employee participation in your wellness program.

Why Employee Participation In Wellness Program Is Important?

Why Employees' Participation In Wellness Program Is Important?For employees, participation in a wellness program is important for many reasons. Also, it is believed that wellness programs can lead to a reduction in healthcare costs, improved productivity, and increased morale. So, here are some reasons why employees should participate in wellness programs:

  • When an employee participates in a wellness program, they are more likely to be engaged in their own health and well-being.
  • Wellness programs can help employees learn about healthy lifestyle choices and how to make better decisions for their overall health.
  • Employees who participate in wellness programs are more likely to take less time off from work due to illness or injury.
  • Wellness programs can lead to improved morale among employees, as they feel that their company is invested in their health and wellbeing.

If you are looking to increase employee participation in your wellness program. Consider these reasons why it is important for them to do so. You may find that more employees are motivated to participate when they understand the benefits of doing so. Wellness programs are beneficial to both employees and employers.

When employees participate in these programs, they can improve their health and well-being. Which can lead to increased productivity and decreased healthcare costs for the company. Moreover, employees who feel that their company is invested in their health and wellbeing are more likely to be engaged and have higher morale. If you want to see increased participation in your wellness program, consider these reasons why it is important for employees to do so.

How To Increase Employee Participation In Wellness Programs?

Your employees are your most valuable asset, and keeping them healthy and productive is important to the success of your business. A wellness program can help promote employee health and well-being. But getting employees to participate in the program can be a challenge.

Here are a few tips to increase employee participation in wellness programs:

Encourage employees to set goals and track their progress

It is often the foremost thing on our minds when we think about wellness – how can I get my employees to participate? Goals are a great way to increase participation because they provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment. When employees see the progress they are making towards their goals, they are more likely to stay motivated and keep participating in the program.

Moreover, when employees feel like they are part of a team working towards a common goal. They are more likely to buy into the program and see it as something that is beneficial to them, rather than something that is just another task on their to-do list.

Make the program fun and engaging

Nobody wants to do something that feels like a chore, so making the program fun and engaging is key to getting employees to participate. There are a number of ways to make the program more fun, such as adding games and competitions, offering prizes for meeting goals, and incorporating activities that employees enjoy.

Making the program fun will not only increase participation but will also make employees more likely to stick with the program in the long run. In fact, studies have shown that employees who participate in wellness programs are more productive, have lower absenteeism rates, and are more engaged with their work.

Make it easy for employees to participate

Make it easy for employees to participateIt is important to make the program easy for employees to participate in, as many people are already stretched thin with work and family commitments. One way to make it easier for employees is to offer on-site activities that employees can do during their lunch break or after work.

Moreover, you can offer flexible scheduling for employees who have difficulty attending during normal work hours. You can also provide resources and information online so that employees can participate in the program from home. Making it easy for employees to participate will not only increase participation. But will also make employees more likely to stick with the program in the long run. In fact, studies have shown that employees who participate in wellness programs are more productive. And have lower absenteeism rates, also are more engaged with their work.

Communicate the benefits of the program

This will help employees see how the program can benefit them both in the short- and long-term. In the short term, employees can see how participating in the program can help them improve their health and well-being. In the long-term, employees can see how participating in the program can help them save money on healthcare costs, improve their productivity, and reduce their absenteeism.

When employees see the benefits of the program, they are more likely to participate in it. And when they participate in the program, they are more likely to see the benefits for themselves.

Lead by example

It is important for management to be visible and vocal in their support of the wellness program. If employees see that management is committed to the wellness program, they will be more likely to participate. Furthermore, management should make it clear that participation in the wellness program is expected and valued.

In addition, leading by example is simply the best way to increase employee participation in your wellness program. In fact, a study by the Harvard Business Review found that employees are significantly more likely to participate in wellness programs when their managers do.

Making the program convenient

If your wellness program is inconvenient, employees will be less likely to participate. To make your program more convenient, offer on-site activities, such as yoga classes or lunchtime walking groups. You can also allow employees to complete their activity at a time that works for them.

For example, if you have an office-wide challenge, give employees the flexibility to complete their activity during the day, after work, or on the weekends. Moreover, if you make it convenient for your employees. They will be more likely to participate.

Encourage healthy competition

Encourage healthy competitionOne way to encourage employees to participate in the wellness program is to create healthy competition among teams. This can be done by tracking progress and awarding prizes to the team that makes the most progress. This type of competition can help create a sense of camaraderie. And motivate employees to stay on track with their health goals.

In fact, healthy competition for employees to participate in wellness programs has been shown to be an effective way to increase participation. There have been studies that have shown that employees who are in a competitive environment are more likely to participate in wellness programs.

Offer incentives

Another way to increase employee participation in your wellness program is to offer incentives. For example, you can give employees a discount on their health insurance if they participate in the wellness program. You can also give employees a bonus if they meet their health goals.

Incentives are a great way to motivate employees to participate in the wellness program. And, it is believed that incentives can help employees maintain their health goals.

So these are some ways through which you can increase employee participation in wellness programs. If you implement these strategies, you will surely see an increase in employee participation. However, it is important to remember that each company is different. And what works for one company might not work for another.

What Are The Benefits Of Employee Participation In Wellness Programs?

What Are The Benefits Of Employee Participation In Wellness Programs?If employers are looking to increase employee participation in wellness programs. They should first understand the benefits of doing so. By understanding the benefits, employers can then better design their programs to appeal to employees and maximize the potential return on investment.

One of the most obvious benefits of employee participation in wellness programs is improved health and well-being. Employees who are more engaged in their health are more likely to take steps to improve it. Resulting in reduced healthcare costs and absenteeism. Additionally, healthier employees tend to be more productive, creative, and satisfied with their work.

Another benefit of employee participation in wellness programs is increased morale. Employees who feel that their employer cares about their health. And well-being is more likely to be loyal and committed to their job. Furthermore, employees who participate in wellness programs often develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

Finally, employee participation in wellness programs can lead to improved company culture. A healthier, happier workforce can help create a positive work environment that attracts top talent and promotes retention. In addition, companies with strong wellness programs often find that their employees are more engaged and productive overall.

There are many benefits of employee participation in wellness programs. By understanding these benefits, employers can better design their programs to appeal to employees and maximize the potential return on investment.


To conclude, there are a few key things to keep in mind if you want to increase employee participation in your wellness program. First, make sure that you are clear about the goals of the program and what you expect from employees. Second, ensure that there is a good incentive structure in place. So that employees feel like they are getting something out of participating. Finally, make sure to promote the program and get employees excited about it so that they are more likely to participate.

Your employees’ participation in wellness programs is vital to the success of those programs. Use these tips to ensure that you get the most participation possible from your employees. If you want more information, you can contact Mantra Care Wellness. It is an employee wellness company that provides wellness services and programs to businesses. So, don’t wait, get started on increasing employee participation in your wellness program today!

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.