Employee Assistance Programs In The United States

EAP Programs In US

Did you know that over 60% of American companies offer employee assistance programs (EAPs)? EAPs are designed to help employees with personal problems that may be affecting their work. This can include everything from mental health issues to financial problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the history of EAP programs in US, as well as how they are used today. We will also talk about the benefits of EAPs for both employees and employers.

What Are EAPs?

What Are EAPs

EAPs are confidential programs that offer free and confidential counseling to employees. EAPs can help with a variety of issues, including mental health, financial problems, substance abuse, and more. Employees can typically access EAP services through their employer. In most cases, EAP services are provided by outside counselors or therapists who contract with the employer. They can also offer services such as legal assistance, financial planning, and child care resources.

History Of EAPs In The USA

EAPs first became popular in the United States in the 1960s. At this time, many American companies were facing lawsuits from employees who claimed that their work conditions were causing them psychological distress. To avoid these lawsuits, companies began offering EAPs as a way to address employee concerns before they resulted in legal action.

Today, EAPs are still widely used in the United States. They have become even more popular in recent years as the stigma around mental health has begun to dissipate. According to the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, over 36 million American workers had access to EAP services in 2017. This number will only grow in the coming years.

There are a variety of reasons why EAPs have become more popular in recent years. For one, mental health issues are now more widely recognized than they were in the past. In addition, the Affordable Care Act has made it easier for employees to get access to mental health care. Finally, many companies have realized that offering EAP services can be beneficial for both employees and employers.

Why Do Companies Offer EAPs?

Why Do Companies Offer EAPs

There are several reasons why companies offer EAPs. First, EAPs can help improve employee productivity. When employees are dealing with personal problems, it can affect their work performance. By offering EAP services, employers can help employees get the support they need to deal with their problems so that they can focus on their work. Additionally, EAPs can help reduce turnover. Employees who feel supported by their employer are more likely to stay with the company. Finally, EAPs can help employers save money. By offering EAP services, employers can avoid the cost of lost productivity and replacement costs associated with turnover.

How Do I Access an EAP?

If your company offers an EAP, you can typically access it through your HR department. You may be able to access EAP services online or over the phone. In most cases, you will need to provide your employee ID number to access EAP services. If you are not sure if your company offers an EAP, you can ask your HR department or check your employee handbook.

Benefits Of EAPs

Benefits Of EAPs

EAPs can offer several benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, EAPs can provide confidential counseling that can help them deal with personal problems that may be affecting their work. In addition, EAPs can also help employees identify potential job-related stressors and develop strategies for dealing with them. For employers, EAPs can help reduce absenteeism, improve employee productivity, and decrease turnover. In addition, EAPs can also help employers create a more positive work environment.

If you are an employer or employee in the United States, you likely have access to EAP services. If you are not taking advantage of these services, we encourage you to do so. EAPs can offer several benefits for both employees and employers. If you are an employer, EAPs can help reduce absenteeism, improve employee productivity, and decrease turnover. If you are an employee, EAPs can provide confidential counseling that can help you deal with personal problems that may be affecting your work.

Risks Of EAPs

EAPs are not without risks. One of the biggest risks is that EAP services may not be confidential. In some cases, employers may have access to information about what employees are using the EAP for. Additionally, some employers may require employees to participate in EAP counseling as a condition of employment. This can create a feeling of coercion among employees and make them less likely to seek help from the EAP. Finally, some employers may use the information gathered by the EAP to make personnel decisions, such as firing or demoting an employee.

While there are risks associated with EAPs, these programs can still offer many benefits for both employees and employers. If you are considering using an EAP, we encourage you to weigh the risks and benefits before making a decision.

EAP Programs In US

EAP Programs In US

If you are interested in using an EAP, there are many providers to choose from. These companies offer a variety of services, including counseling, financial planning, and legal assistance. Many smaller EAP providers can be a good fit for your needs.


CuraLinc’s EAP delivers transformative mental health care with good connectivity of technology, personal advocacy as well as advocacy in an employee’s care journey. CuraLinc approaches EAP administration with four simple goals in mind:

  • employee engagement
  • improving access to mental health support
  • creating a positive impact on employee health and productivity
  • helping both employees and employers mitigate risk

CuraLinc’s care journey purposefully has a construction that addresses a wide array of concerns that impact health, wellbeing, and productivity for the overall betterment of both the employees and the company.


Ulliance helps in catering to employees’ and managers’ concerns that impact their work abilities. Emotional well-being is the biggest priority of this organization’s programs. They provide a Resolution EAP Model, that is designed to resolve and manage workplace conflicts, personal concerns, and life challenges

MantraCare Wellness

Mantra Care’s EAP programs provide online consultations for various domains of workplace wellness. These include online therapy, smoking cessation, yoga, health programs, and workplace fitness, among others.

AllOne Health

These EAP programs provide a wide range of assistance services that help increase individual, student, member, and organizational health and productivity. While keeping in mind the diversity and complexity of workplaces, they provide occupational health expertise, motivating employee assistance services, technical capabilities, and program flexibility to support and encourage your organization.


Their EAP’s main objective is to cater to the mental health of all people in the workspace. Their services range from therapy, medication, assessment, healthy living support, and self-help tools. The aim is to deal with daily-life struggles that affect mental health as well as diagnose and treat any individuals with disorders.


ComPsych provides an array of services for companies, employees, and families. These include counseling services, crisis intervention, work-life solutions, and wellness programs. Additionally, they offer a wide range of online tools and resources that can have access 24/ hours a day.

Modern Health

Modern Health’s EAP is designed to help employees manage and overcome stress, anxiety, and burnout. Their services include one-on-one counseling, group counseling, and online resources. Additionally, they offer a mobile app that can be used to track progress and access resources on the go.

These are just some of the most commonly popular names. Depending upon your budget, need, services, and preferred mode of consultancy (in-person or virtual), you can pick a provider which suits your preferences.

Choosing The Right Provider

When choosing an EAP provider, it is important to consider your specific needs. You should also consider the size of your company and the types of services that you need. If you have a small company, you may want to choose a provider that offers a wide range of services. If you have a large company, you may want to choose a provider that specializes in a specific area, such as employee wellness or stress management.

No matter what type of company you have, we encourage you to research different EAP providers before making a decision. This will help you find the right provider for your needs and ensure that you are getting the best possible service.


To conclude, EAPs can offer many benefits for both employees and employers. If you are considering using EAP programs in US, we encourage you to research different providers before making a decision. This will help you find the right provider for your needs and ensure that you are getting the best possible service. If you have any questions or comments about employee assistance programs in the United States, contact MantraCare Wellness for queries and packages to start with your employees’ wellness journeys today!

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including EAPEmployee Diabetes ReversalCorporate MSKPCOSEmployee FitnessCorporate YogaEmployee meditation, and Employee Smoking Cessation.